2023 was quite a year. EnviroVoters passed world-changing legislation and led a candidate trainings in battleground regions, while our Ed Fund resourced young leaders, launched accelerator events, and hosted the California delegation at the COP 28 conference in Dubai. These moments are all steps towards solving the climate crisis, building resilient, connected, healthy communities, and creating a democracy and economy that is just and sustainable for all.

And it was all possible thanks to the support from our members and activist communities across California.

Let's review the top moments of 2023 together:

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Now you can find out with our 2024 California Environmental Scorecard! Use it to see how California’s leadership scored, how many legislators take dirty oil money, and much more.

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We hope you can join us on Friday, May 31, 2024 in Los Angeles for an evening of music, drinks, and small bites at LA’s coolest party as we celebrate this year’s Badass in Green Honorees! Through April 26, we are running our Earth Week Special — buy one ticket, get another one free.